After looking at $175,000 homes this is what $150,000 home looks like..............
The most wonderful thing in Real Estate is to get a referral from a previous client. Your credibility has already been established...all you have to do is get to work and find them the perfect home.
Wait a minute what if they went around RULE #1? What if they already talked with a loan originator and were directed to find a Realtor,find a house, and call back at that point? SERIOUSLY? Yes there are still some mortgage folks that still do that. Are they just lazy? Do they have too much business? I am going with option one.
....I was absolutely stunned when I heard my prospective client tell me that her contact at the bank had advised her to do exactly that. Even this first time home buyer was skeptical. Regardless, how much the client is raring to get out and look for a home this is when a good Realtor say OK we need to have a heart to heart talk.
It is all about establishing buying power. Or in real people speak "How much can I afford?" Speaking of the heart how sad is it to see someone who has fallen in love with a $175,000 home only to be told we will only finance you up to $150,000.
It is absolutely cruel to do this to someone. ...And what a waste of their time and emotions.......Each incremental jump seems to have a certain amount of amenities attached to them ....The difference of $25,000 could mean a better school zone...a better neighborhood....extra square feet.....
So repeat after me Please: " I will get pre-approved, I will get pre-approved, I will........."
For furhter information go to my favorite source for real estate information :http://www.greaterpensacolahomes.com/
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